Make Parliament Work To improve the quality of legislation we wish to see a much higher level of pre-legislative scrutiny for every bill before parliament.

We would investigate measures intended to reduce the power of the Whips in the Commons.

We would investigate the possibility of permanent elected legislative committees for each government department in the Commons rather than ad hoc public bill committees. There are a number of approaches that could work in this area and we would aim to trial a number of options to decide which is likely to be the most effective.

We would Implement the rest of the Wright report by creating a House business committee in the Commons and the recommendations of the Goodlad report in full for the Lords. As well as implementing a House business committee in the Lords and having an evidence-taking stage for all bills in addition to pre-legislative scrutiny.

We would limit the use rules to restrict debate in the Commons to cases of actual abuse of the rules of the House.

We would roll out post-legislative scrutiny on all important policy-changing bills before new bills on the same subject are be considered.

We would require the maintenance of a register of lobbyists as well as a record of all meetings between lobbyists and legislators or government officials.