Reverse Privatisation Within The NHS

The ongoing privatisation of NHS services continues to pose challenges in terms of efficiency and costs. We advocate for implementing the principles outlined in the NHS Reinstatement Bill, designed to ensure the NHS remains publicly funded, publicly provided, and publicly accountable.

  • Reinstate the government's responsibility for providing key NHS services throughout England, including hospitals, medical and nursing services, primary care, mental health, and community services.
  • Declare the NHS as a “non-economic service of general interest” and “a service supplied in the exercise of governmental authority,” reaffirming the full legislative authority of Parliament and devolved bodies without constraints from EU competition law or the World Trade Organisation's General Agreement on Trade in Services.
  • Transform the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS England) into a Special Health Authority with regional committees, enabling the planning and provision of services without the need for contracts through Health Boards, which can encompass multiple local authority areas with local support.
  • Empower local authorities to lead a 'bottom-up' process, with the collaboration of clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), NHS trusts, NHS foundation trusts, and NHS England, to transfer functions to Health Boards. Eliminate NHS trusts, NHS foundation trusts, and CCGs after the transition.
  • Abolish Monitor, the regulator of NHS foundation trusts, commercial companies, and voluntary organizations, and repeal the competition and core magnetization provisions of the 2012 Act.
  • Integrate public health services and the responsibility to reduce health inequalities into the core functions of the NHS.
  • Re-establish Community Health Councils to advocate for the public's interests in the NHS, preventing the implementation of license conditions imposed by Monitor on NHS foundation trusts that would reduce the range of services they are obligated to provide.
  • Mandate national terms and conditions through the NHS Staff Council and the Agenda for Change system for relevant NHS staff.
  • Repeal the legal provisions requiring specific immigrants to pay for NHS services.