Expanding Access to Comprehensive Care for Trans and Non-Binary Individuals

Legal Identity Change (Self-ID):

  • The Pirate Party supports the inclusion of a legal identity change process that allows individuals to self-identify their gender.
  • The process should be accessible, streamlined, and respectful of an individual's self-determined gender identity.
  • Removing unnecessary bureaucratic barriers and ensuring privacy and confidentiality are essential aspects of this policy.

Non-Binary/Third Gender Option:

  • The Pirate Party recognizes the importance of acknowledging and respecting non-binary and third gender identities.
  • Proposes the implementation of a voluntary opt-in system that allows individuals to choose a non-binary or third gender option on official identification documents.
  • This option should be available to those who wish to express their gender identity outside the traditional binary framework.

Empowering General Practitioners (GPs):

  • GPs should be equipped and encouraged to provide a wider range of care for trans and non-binary individuals, provided they have received appropriate training.
  • GPs should be able to offer ongoing monitoring, adjustment of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) dosages, and related medical care within their scope of practice.

Eliminating Dependence on Gender Identity Clinics (GICs):

  • Proposes that GPs be granted the authority to provide comprehensive care for trans and non-binary individuals, reducing reliance on GICs for routine medical management.

Blood Tests and Medical Care:

  • GPs should have the authority to order blood tests and other medical care for trans and non-binary individuals, including tests that may be considered "dual use" but are necessary for proper diagnosis and management of various health concerns.
  • The current restrictions on ordering such tests should be lifted, allowing trans and non-binary individuals to access the same level of medical care as cisgender patients.

Specialized Training and Collaboration:

  • Specialized training should be made available for healthcare professionals, including GPs and mental health practitioners, to ensure they have the necessary expertise in trans and non-binary healthcare.
  • GPs should be able to refer patients to local mental health caregivers who have appropriate specialist training, rather than being limited to the confines of a GIC.